In the tradition of Medieval picture commentary, I added little "word balloons". The prince on horseback is saying, "More than my ice cream do I love thee... let us get hitched," to which the princess replies, "Pulleth my finger." The dude on the far right is holding a coffee pot (embellished with a slightly altered logo from a particular Seattle-based coffee company), and promising, "One venti double-shot espresso cometh up."
I'm off to my friend Shandalla's birthday gathering. Coffee tomorrow AM with Ron, followed by studio time at Brian's, to lay down the basic tracks for the last three songs on the tribute CD - by God, I will get that done. Then I have to go by rehearsal in the PM to drop off a CD with the poster and flyer designs so they can get materials ready for the West Seattle Street Fair.
The plumber has been working all weekend on my house, so hopefully he will be done when the electrician comes in on Monday to start running wire. I just bought my couches for the family room at the local LaZboy clearance (and even at clearance - yikes!), and am having them hold the pieces for 2 months to allow the contractors to finish. The painter has already started on the exterior. Every day it takes shape a bit more.
Prithee, sir, I like it well. And yay, but thine thought bubbles did produce a chortle from mine merry lips. Huzzah!
P.S. Yup, I'm still a dork.
Thank you both, fellow Paly pals (sounds like a 1980s kids show). Andrea, u r 1 l33t haxxor. Lotti, verily thou art a dork of the highest calibre.
Let the orgy commence!
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